The Silicon Guide To
Using Server Side Includes
Executing CGI Scripts
It may often be necessary to invoke a CGI script,
and perhaps insert the contents it returns, whenever a html document is loaded (perfect
for cgi hit counters or banner rotators). To do this, you can either use the EXEC or
INCLUDE VIRTUAL command as follows.
<!--#exec cmd="LOCATION_OF_CGI_SCRIPT" -->
<!--#include virtual="LOCATION_OF_CGI_SCRIPT"-->
where LOCATION_OF_CGI_SCRIPT is the path (either relative or full) to the
location of the CGI script you with to execute. Remember that the CGI script can be
programmed in any language, such as Perl, C, AppleScript, etc...
You may also find that the EXEC command doesn't work on your server.
This is most probably due to the fact that, because of security issues, your
administrator has disabled this dangerous command. Just use the INCLUDE VIRTUAL
method instead.
Next Page:
SSI Hosting and Conclusion